Sunday, January 17, 2010

So great is Rajasingha the first

Dedicated to Warrior King of Sri Lanka, after the victory over Tiger Terrorists in May 2009

Neil Ranawake

All human blood ...... red
But victory over Tigers ..... unique

Never gained by cowardice
Victory comes to those who're blest

Lives and death are futile
For those not for glory of motherland

After decades of fighting and explosions
People lived exhausted

Great king, your skills are renowned
And be when needed....., our immortal hero and leader

Roaming in Europe and although ever
My superior, yet luck helped you not

Fought on solely with all your might
To fill the emptiness of the darkness with light

Exposed your eyes to storms of dust
But no pain, just staring at desert

As horses by their riders ruled
Attention required suddenly appeared

Never concerns you, anything else
But the land that belonged to your majesty once

I present to Great Warrior the happy news of victory
Being grateful for your being ahead of military

Oh, your highness ...... you're the one who fought at battle
Your gifts, your glory enduring

Gratitude for you on the hearts engraved
May ever retain your consciousness greater than universe

May your soul, by it's pledge committed
Lead us to the spring, fresh